Ресторан "Русь"
Завтраки тут шикарные, ребята
141 m od hotelu
Przewodnik po wspaniałych miejscach w pobliżu Olympic Hotel
The 2005 Eurovision Song Contest was held here. Touch the walls and get connected to the Eurovision history. Then take a photo and share the experience!
307 m od hotelu
пл. Спортивна, 1
Милая терраса, уютная. Мужички в костюмчиках ;) . Сырники возьмите утром, овощной суп в обед, штрудель на полдник и утиную грудку вечером. Для пикантности типса: телочек здесь мало ;))))))
320 m od hotelu
вул. Мечникова, 2
Best breakfasts in town.They serve them from 6 to 12. Try "Kievskiy breakfast",it's simply magnificent! Favorite place ever
0.7 km od hotelu
вул. Червоноармійська, 21
Best wine shop in Kiev and now for daily food too ! Buy your fantastic American steaks and best wine to competitive prices even compared with outside Ukraine !!!!
0.7 km od hotelu
вул. Мечнікова, 9
Its so interesting park, cuz it's not like other parks, this near round but it looks like really good and relax, interesting. When u will be here-go in this park!
1.1 km od hotelu
вул. Володимирська